Archive for the ‘ GII-Team ’ Category

The Racton Ruins Paranormal Investigation (part 1)

This episode is the return trip to Racton Ruins after the evidence we caught there in S2E1. We went back to conduct a full paranormal investigation alongside two guest paranormal investigators, Alison/Glen Taylor. This was, without a doubt, the best paranormal evidence that the team has ever captured, so we split the investigation into two parts.

Andy’s SB7 Sweep Rate Experiment

In this episode, Andy goes around Havant with the P-SB7 Spirit Box testing out the different sweep rates at different locations to see which sweep rate works best for the device.

The Racton Ruins & Staunton Park Double Vigil

The first episode of season 2 starts off with a bang, where the team goes to the Racton Ruins & Staunton Park for a double location investigation. The team is joined by a guest researcher. Racton Ruins is a paranormal Hotspot with suicides and satanic worship being the focus for all of the paranormal activity taking place.

Within Staunton Park there are four spirits that we have found during our investigations there; a negative spirit, Franciss the original owner of the land, a possible rape victim, and Poppy, a documented death that happened around Staunton Park.

Yes Even More Evidence From BASE

Another load of evidence that we documented in our house. The video is split into two sections:

Part 1 is Andy conducting a solo investigation into the house to see if he can make contact with the spirits with various devices.

Part 2 is Kelly solo conducting a smudging in the house to see if it works and to see what paranormal activity it starts up whilst doing a cleansing. The results are shocking! The most disturbing EVP’s we have ever heard or documented.

The Staunton Country Park Paranormal Investigations

This video is a double paranormal episode where the team went to Staunton Country Park twice for two investigations. This is the biggest episode, and best evidence and location this season making contact with the spirits of the park with various devices.