Monday, January 22, 2007

posted by John at 10:44 AM

Friday, January 26, 2007

If any of you are fans of the show LOST this should look eerily similar. While I was in the woods back in November I found an underground complex. It is what I believe to be the heart of the Indian Lake Project base. This was probably where the children were housed and the MKULTRA type of experiments were conducted. I have been holding off posting this picture for a while because I wanted a chance to fully explore the structure before anyone sealed it shut. I have explored it a total of four times, and have drawn a map to the best of my abilities of the interior rooms, halls, etc. This is not the main entrance into the complex, but was the first (and only other) one I found. I will post the map, and the interior pictures in the future, but I just wanted all of you to know that there have been some VERY interesting developments and give you a little taste of what I’ve really been up to. I’m sorry I did not share this sooner. There have been several times that I have been afraid since my uncle gave me the metal box, but going down those stairs with only a flashlight was without a doubt the scariest thing that I’ve ever done.

posted by John at 9:57 AM

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Once I climbed down the ladder I stood in front of a metal door, this is the room behind that door. I think this is the room, and equipment that provided the electric power for the underground complex. Without a doubt this is the “backdoor” to this complex. The room itself was very damp and cold. It housed 3 rusted generators as well as what looked like a heating unit of some kind.

Working my way through the “generator room” there was a large empty room through a doorway to the left.

And to the right was another doorway to a room with two doors. Those openings led to two different areas. The doorway on the left led to several rooms while the one on the right led down a hallway.

I will post a map of this underground complex over the weekend.

posted by John at 8:03 AM