Archive for the ‘ News ’ Category

Happy End of the World!

Welcome to 12/21/12, everyone! I see that the world has yet to end, and I look forward to the next end-of-the-world conspiracy theory. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday, from everyone here at Paranormal X.

News for 12/19/12

Sorry for the downtime! Back up and running now after getting some more bandwidth in place. Sorry for the inconvenience.

News for 09/10/2012

Got a new addition to the Links section. If you get a chance, please check out Asia Pacific Paranormal.

News for 08/01/2012

We’re back online! Sorry about the last few days. Seemed we got quite a bit of traffic towards the end of the month.

News for 06/15/2012

Finally got the new design rolled out! Please bear with us as we work out a few kinks to how the information is displayed, mainly with how some of the videos are appearing. You might see some new features that have been added (the random posts ticker on the left side for example!). This new design is a long time coming and will fix a lot of the bugs with the old site, one of which was a bug in viewing all posts by category. Because of that, I had to implement the archives link at the top of the site so people could view all of the posts. Because that has been fixed, I will be removing that link. You will now be able to use the Archives dropdown list on the right side of the site, OR you can just click on a category and be able to view all posts made to that category. Hope you all enjoy!